Optimize performance and reliability with
SKF Enlight AI

Reduce downtime, total cost of ownership and improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness

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An introduction to SKF Enlight AI

SKF Enlight AI is an industrial analytics solution based on Automated Machine Learning (AutoML). Self-learning algorithms continuously analyze big data captured from asset sensors. To detect anomalies and provide maintenance personnel with real-time alerts of evolving machine failure.

SKF Enlight suite (AI, Centre) offers a highly scalable, cloud-based, and comprehensive approach to predictive maintenance paring cutting-edge AutoML with SKF’s expert knowledge of remote diagnostic services. Hybrid approach to industrial analytics offers tools for identifying and resolving issues and guidance on how to avoid problems in the future.

Transform data into actionable insights with SKF Enlight AI 

Watch this recorded webinar on industrial analytics.

The benefits of Automated Machine Learning


Cost-effective. Low computational and cloud storage costs make Automated Machine Learning a cost-effective option for implementing data analytics at scale.

Constant model validation

Constant model validation.
SKF Enlight AI continuously monitors for machine learning model degradation. If a model is identified as no longer optimal, the AI recalibrates the model or replaces it with a newer, better performing model.

Easy to scale.

Easy to scale. Machine learning does not require rules or threshold setting, because it is looking at behavioural patterns. Vast amounts of data can be analysed in real time without the need for human involvement.

Download the whitepaper for further details.

or read one of our case studies to see the benefits in action:

Predictive maintenance lowers steel operating and maintenance costs

Predictive maintenance lowers steel operating and maintenance costs 

Reducing Unscheduled Downtime in Steel Factories

The hidden costs of unscheduled downtime can prevent manufacturers from reaching their target revenues. The solution? Prevent unscheduled downtime from occurring in the first place. One steel manufacturer did just that with SKF Enlight AI's predictive maintenance solution.

Reduce kiln downtime with predictive maintenance

Reduce kiln downtime with predictive maintenance

IIoT Predictive Maintenance Improves Kiln Uptime

Cement factories face frequent kiln breakdowns due to the buildup and collapse of rings within the clinker crusher. Using IIoT predictive maintenance, repair teams can identify these ring buildups in advance, adjust the kiln settings to prevent ring formation and reduce overall kiln shutdowns.

How do SKF Enlight AI and SKF condition monitoring work together?

SKF Enlight AI complements existing SCADA and other types of vibration
condition monitoring by alerting technicians that the machine is in danger
of shutdown long before manual control thresholds have been breached. 

Together, SKF Enlight AI and SKF condition monitoring software offer
in-depth visibility into asset health at the sensor, asset and plant levels.
The combined insights reduce risk of unplanned failure and contribute to
increased uptime and throughput.

Watch the video to find out more.

The role of SKF Enlight AI within SKF Rotating Equipment Performance

SKF’s Rotating Equipment Performance approach helps you get the machine and environmental performance you need from your key assets, by changing the way you can achieve reliable rotation. This is a fixed fee, performance-based agreement, which combines bearing technology, failure detection and reliability services in an integrated package.

As part of this approach SKF Enlight AI’s early failure warnings and actionable data insights improve Rotating Equipment Performance in the short and long term:

Performance. Reduce downtime to improve availability, output and revenue.

Sustainability. Advanced warning of asset failure enables the implementation of green solutions such as application re-engineering, remanufacturing and automated lubrication technologies.

OEE. Data-driven insights enable smarter repair planning and inventory ordering as well as access to SKF Rotating Equipment Performance experts.

Reliability. Minimize downtime to limit long-term asset damage and extend asset lifespans.

Optimize your performance today

Get in touch with the team to learn more about the industrial benefits of
SKF Enlight AI and how to optimize the performance of your rotating equipment.

Discover more by requesting the team contact you or follow the link to our dedicated area on skf.com